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Tom Fagan

As Senior Analyst, Tom helps local governments identify streams of missed or unknown revenue that will ultimately generate more money for the communities they serve. During six years with Azavar, Tom has signed more than 200 municipalities for our revenue maximization programs

Recent posts by Tom Fagan

1 min read

Lynwood, Illinois chooses compliance audit partner Azavar

By Tom Fagan on Sep 27, 2021 2:44:36 PM

Comprehensive revenue reviews can lead to significant returns

Welcome to the Azavar family, Lynwood, Illinois

Compliance audits really should be on every municipality’s to-do list. Because errors creep in tax rolls result in costly revenue leaks—and missed opportunities.

Topics: azavar revenue review client news tax compliance
1 min read

Forest View, Illinois chooses Azavar to advance tax compliance

By Tom Fagan on Aug 27, 2021 9:27:48 AM

Azavar has been selected by Forest View, Illinois to conduct a comprehensive review of its taxes and fees. We are pleased to partner with this unique Cook County community, which lies along Chicago's west side border.

One key reason that municipalities seek out tax compliance audits is that they suspect what we call a revenue leak— a loss of income from taxes and fees caused by errors to tax rolls.

Topics: azavar utility tax revenue review client news Illinois compliance audit
2 min read

Tax Compliance Reviews for Bath, New York

By Tom Fagan on Aug 27, 2021 9:08:10 AM

We’re excited to welcome yet another new customer to the Azavar family—Bath, New York. This town of more than 12,000 is located in New York State’s Finger Lakes region, a well-loved region known for recreation, agriculture, and viticulture.

Topics: azavar utility tax franchise fee client news New York local revenue
2 min read

Azavar News: Enid, Oklahoma

By Tom Fagan on Jun 28, 2021 11:36:52 AM

Ready to review and reclaim revenue for Oklahoma’s 9th largest city

We’re excited to count the Wheat Capital of Oklahoma in our growing customer list of 450+. Our team of seasoned local-government revenue experts is eager to take a fine-toothed comb to the city’s franchise fee receipts.

>> Did you know? Revenue leaks caused by missing or misallocated taxes and fees are very common. Download this checklist to see where you might be losing.

Topics: franchise fee client news Oklahoma
2 min read

New Customer: Issaquah, Washington

By Tom Fagan on Apr 8, 2021 6:14:53 AM

Welcome to the Azavar Family

For local governments, it’s always been important to have a consistent flow of revenue to ensure stable finances. But with so much economic uncertainty, all communities should take a second look at revenue.

Topics: revenue review client news Washington local revenue
2 min read

New Customer Alert: Calumet Park, Illinois

By Tom Fagan on Feb 18, 2021 9:47:27 AM

We’re excited to help

At Azavar, we always encourage communities to take a keen eye to its revenue receipts. Whether you’re talking about hotel-motel or sales taxes, franchise or short-term rental fees, it’s important to do stay on top of what’s coming into your community coffers. But it’s so hard for finance teams to find the time and resources to conduct in-depth revenue reviews.

That’s why we’re excited to partner with Calumet Park, Illinois to review this city’s hotel-motel taxes. 

Topics: local government revenue review client news Illinois
1 min read

New Customer Announcement: Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania

By Tom Fagan on Jan 13, 2021 9:20:46 AM

Mount Pocono, Pennsylvania

We are excited to welcome this community to our roster of customers. Tucked in the northeast corner of Pennsylvania, Mount Pocono is part of the Poconos Mountains region known around the world for scenery, recreation, and restoration.

Topics: franchise fee revenue review client news Pennsylvania
1 min read

Hello, Mammoth, Arizona!

By Tom Fagan on Dec 21, 2020 10:22:19 AM

Welcome to the Azavar family

We’re excited to work with Mammoth, Arizona’s financial team to make sure this community is getting all the funds it deserves. Our team is eager to analyze Mammoth's franchise-fee remittances, hotel-motel taxes, and more.

Topics: franchise fee revenue review client news hotel-motel tax
